Ergonomics and convenience
This gaming mouse is worth having always at hand. It is a highly portable, lightweight and well-balanced piece of equipment with a universal shape and a classic minimalist design. Margay will fit perfectly in your hand, ensuring smooth cursor operation. Among others, gamers who feel best with 1+2+2 and 1+3+1 positioning when playing will be particularly satisfied.
Speed and smoothness
The mouse is equipped with a state-of-the-art PWM 3360 optical sensor, which offers a full range of resolution – from 100 to 12,000 DPI and moves smoothly, without sacrificing smoothness and response time, on almost any surface. You set the DPI with the + and – buttons located above the roller.
Trwałość i finezja
Czerń ożywiają podświetlane elementy elegancko wtopione w matowy, lekko chropowaty plastik grzbietu myszy. Znajduje się na nim podświetlane logo CA, nadające szyku naszemu sprytnemu “gryzoniowi”. Margay podświetlana jest także rolka oraz lamówka wokół myszki na jej spodzie. Podświetlenia widoczne są również pomiędzy przyciskami i panelami bocznymi, a także w przestrzeniach pomiędzy głównymi przyciskami.
Drivers and software
The mouse comes with an instruction manual and a software CD. The Margay CA1033 software, in addition to setting the main parameters of the mouse, i.e. sensitivity and scrolling speed, will allow you to quickly and easily program selected functions for all 8 buttons. You will also easily assign individual colors for selected modes. You can choose a backlight color for each of the 11 modes.